Taking Flight

3 min readOct 30, 2020

(Ending of the lovely voyage, full of emotions, into the beginning of a fresh morning)


The journey of life has many ups and downs, successes, and failures, at one time we enjoy the best moments and on the other end stick to the worst one. An affable person likes to meet different people with different backgrounds, interests, and goals. Mutual sharing of thoughts, ideas, and knowledge turns this journey of life into a meaningful struggle for the common causes. In my journey of life, I recently passed a station named Amal career prep fellowship. There was a misconception in my mind that online sessions would be less impactful than the physical one but Amal proved as an exception from all other virtual platforms. Amal gave me the push at that time when there was a pandemic. My pessimistic mind turned into optimistic thinking due to the astonishing struggle of our project manager and associate. They gave the solution to every problem during this period and pat to us for continuous efforts against the odds.

The last session of the fellowship was a mixture of candid discussions about the future, casual talks, and emotional moments. The most memorable thing for me was the Scavenger Hunt activity, full of jokes, slight chuckling, and collaborated effort for the refining of teamwork skills. The moment when Mam Zeest Qureshi gave a lot of appreciations is unforgettable.

Casual talking and connect session was comfortable and full of sadness with the feelings of goodbye. I read a funny poem about the fellowship experience just to alleviate the emotions of the parting point. But out of the box thing was to have a better version of my personality. A better resume, cover letter, and interview preparation. Came to know about the good and bad aspects of myself was also beneficial for me. It was the beginning of a new journey from searching ‘why of every dispute’ to ‘find how to resolve it’. I will guide every person having a passion for a successful career and thrust for learning in my social circle along with the revision of the golden slogans of Amal academy Khudi, Amal, Ek, or Ek Gyarah, and Kiya Hasil Howa. It was an academic ride with emotional destinations towards an encouraging and comfortable future.

Goodbye guys

I promise to stay in touch with my Amal batch 148 family and to show gratitude for the staff that ‘costs nothing but gives everything’ with every breath of my life. This learning experience would help me in this era of extreme competition.

